If you’re someone who has a habit of grinding their teeth
without noticing, often when you’re asleep, then there’s a word for that –
bruxism! This is the technical term for teeth grinding and jaw clenching and
was first coined in 1931.
The small rounds of paper produced by punching a hole, such
as for putting documents into a ring binder, are called chads.
Those who play a lot of music may be familiar with this part
of a wind instrument, but many won’t know what it’s called. The mouthpiece of a
recorder or a similar instrument is actually called a fipple.
This word has been in existence since the early 1800s and is
believed to have come either from Scottish dialect or Celtic Irish. The noun
kerfuffle means to make a fuss or have a disagreement over something – if two
speakers have different points of view and are making a bit of a noise about
it, then they’ll be said to be making a kerfuffle.
If you eat something that’s overwhelmingly sweet, it can be
described as cloying. For example, if you put too much sugar into a dessert,
the result will be cloying to anyone who eats it.
This fantastic adjective was first used in the Middle Ages
and comes from two words– woe, which means sad, and begone,
which means surrounded by something. Together, they describe someone who looks
If you’re confusing someone you’re speaking to, they’ll wind
up flummoxed. This word came into the English language in the 19th century and
was formed from different dialects in the UK.