June 20 - World Refugee Day
Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror.👏
Around the world, communities, schools, businesses, faith groups and people from all walks of life are taking big and small steps in solidarity with refugees. This World Refugee Day, we challenge everyone to join together and take a step with refugees.
#StepWithRefugees — Take A Step on World Refugee Day🤝
Step 1:
Join the #StepWithRefugees challenge and walk, run, dance, swim 1 km/mile or take any step with refugees.
Step 2:
Post a photo or video of yourself after you’ve completed the challenge and nominate three friends to take a step further!
#worldrefugeeday2019 #timetobewelcome #allyouneedishelp #refugeeswelcome #woa__ternopil #ternopilcity🌆 #ukraine2019🇺🇦 #englishspeaking