In Window on America center on October 19th there was a meeting of people who are preparing for the TOEFL test. It was decided to name it TOEFL Test Takers Club.
The club is led by a second year student of Ternopil National Economic University Diana Goliash. Resources used for training are: TOEFL iBT / Pamela J. Sharpe. – 13th ed., TOEFL iBT audio CD pack & CD-Rom, Internet resources (, dictionaries (English-Ukrainian). All resourced were donated thanks to the American Corners project of the US Embassy in Kyiv.
There were 9 participants; all are students of Ternopil National Economic University. They trained in reading and used one model test. One of them trained also in listening and used one model test. Four students used iPads and passed through one TOEFL Practice Test. They all checked their results and discussed them. For the next time PC volunteer is invited and a training in speaking is planned.
We hope this new activity in center will get popularity as this is a great opportunity to train English language skills.