On September 22nd there was a meeting of English-speaking club called “Around the world”. Peace Corpse volunteer Sharece Bunn talked about her counry, the USA. A group of students from Ternopil State Pedagogical University, French Philology, talked about their native country, Ukraine, and about France, the country, which language they are learning and to which they’ve been to.
The participants of the club watched several power point presentations about Ukraine and Euro 2012, about France, its state symbols and places of sightseeing, and about the USA, its history and its citizens. At the end of the meeting everyone got to know about new electronic resources of the Window on America center – a Kindle and an iPad. 20 people were present, among them 15 students, 1 PC volunteer, 1 specialist, 1 pensioner, 1 teacher, 1 librarian.